Richardson School of Law
January 2023 - Present
My role as the Innovator in Residence involves teaching innovative classes like Cyber Security Law and Coding for Lawyers. Additionally, I create programs to help automate some of the backend tasks the school deals with as well as tools to help students find jobs after graduation.

Harvard Law School
August 2018 - October 2022
I was the associate director of legal technology and ran a number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the access to justice legal space. This included the RCT for Public Safety Assessment tool to assist judges in making bail decisions. My role included technical support for studies run by other researchers as well.

Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
October 2016 - August 2018
I was the IT director and a staff attorney at MVLS. I ran the expungement program, training dozens of pro bono attorneys and handling the most difficult clients myself. I also developed a number of programs to enhance our case management system to help automate a number of tedious tasks.

Maryland Legal Aid
October 2015 - October 2016
I worked as a Sr. Applications Specialist in the IT department. During my tenure I managed numerous legal technology contract negotiations. I developed software to help assist staff communications during emergencies and to assist in the the transmission of sensitive data between different applications.